Thursday, January 8, 2009

The beginning

I have often asked myself, others, been asked..."how did you do it?" Now that my kids are asking me this question, I really begin to wonder "how did I do it?" I've grown up with a love of making things. In fact, I was often teased by others when my response to a really cool object was "oh you can easily make that...just go to Home Depot or Michaels." One of my friends sarcastically asked me if I could replicate free spinning hubcaps after we saw them on a car while driving. I have always been tickled by the thought of replicating items just as I have always loved to break things down and put them back together. It thrills me to no end that my daughter loves to do this at 20 months. I often learn how to start a skill and get what can either be interpreted as impatience or pure excitement to produce a product, thus I mostly make things up as I go along.  So, this doesn't mean that I know what I am doing, just how I did it.

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